Shapeoko not cutting what I designed

I’m brand new to the Shapeoko and was testing a v bit with different fonts and what I designed is not what was carved… Any Idea’s why this happened?

The board was secure and wasn’t moving.
I checked belts and nuts
The measurements in carbide create were accurate.
I stopped it before finishing before it was done because of the issues.

Looks like a coarse-grained board and depth of cut issues (uneven board thickness or wasteboard not trammed?)

From my experience when this happens I have found it is caused by one or a mix of things. 1. Your wood is not flat. 2. You your waist board is not flat. Have you flattened your wist board prior to running and projects? 3. Your router is not square with the waist board. More then likely the issues is your wood is not flat with today’s market of wood that is a big problem.

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