Shapeoko xxl not working out for me

Just trying to calm you down son.
Nice to see you are focused on solving the problem rather then ranting.
Glad to see you are accepting the help offered.

Have fun with it, hope you revise your opinion of me. Happy to help, limited though my knowledge may be.


I use Fusion 360 and it has a great feature for doing this type of thing. You can create the divots you would need for just one player, select that and do a circular pattern. When you do the pattern, it asks you how many you want and it spaces them evenly so it’s just as easy to do a four player as a five or six or eight or any number. I did this on one of my boards where I made one star and then patterned it in a circle and so I could get 32 stars evenly spaced around the circle. Doing it manually would have been a nightmare of figuring out angles, etc.


Do you own any Ball End Mills?

(and if yes, what size)?

PS I normally buy my cutters from (ahem) eBay OR Amazon (~ $12 ea)


Rich, the answer is yes, I have a .250 round nose cutter.

Thanks, Cam

Take a look what I threw together during my lunch. 24 OD, holes starting at a 10" circle, spaced at 1.0 looked too small of an OD, so I increased it to 1.25, and the OD of the holes still look too small. So maybe the 10" should be 12???

Sample 3D hole (11/16 OD, .255 Deep, 5/16R)

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Rich, I do not think you can enlarge the inner circle without messing up the layout. The only concern that I have is that the holes need to be 0.6875 diameter.
Thanks, good work!!


Center hole is now at 11, hole spacing is 1.125, hole dia IS .688. Better or worse?

That is beautiful Richard!!! When I lay it out by hand I usually provide more space between the holes that start away from the inner circle because those are too close together. When I learn to use Fusion 360 I will work on that.

Thank you very much for doing that. Can you email me the code?

Cam, I gotcha. Yep, I can see why you need larger spheres now. I think everyone is going down the right path-I feel like the 1/2” bit is about as large as I would go for peck drilling with a straight type bit as the 1/2” bit does chirp a bit as it stands.

Files sent.


Cam, it’s great to see the support you have received here. As the general consensus seems to be the CNC was being overloaded I think you will be pleased with the results from the .25 ball nose cutter. I personally didn’t get along well with Carbide Create, primarily because I wanted to do 3D projects. I opted for VCarve from the start and it is great. Need Aspire but can’t afford it. I hope you will attach a picture of your game when it is done.

Thanks Dean. I certainly will will do that as soon as I can get my machine going again.

Have you ever tried Fusion 360?

Check this out!

deleted link to eBay auction

“What u get when u buy it”
“…I will send you a link to Google Drive then you download and install”

Yup, looks pretty legit…


It works!! Not bad for $11.99

Aspire9 on ebay for $11.99. I bought it and it works!


Best case scenario: piracy.
Worst case scenario: piracy + malware/virus

Just saying…


I am using it right now with no problem!

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