Shapoek XXL cutting like a dumpster fire

the stock is secured by 4 clamps, I use both the bit setter and bit zero to set up and setting zero. I have the zplus if that matters.

Please provide sufficient details that we can reconstruct what you are doing — where are the four clamps place? What sort are they?

Where did you place the BitZero to set the zero? Which version of BitZero do you have?

What tool was loaded initially, and when were tool changes made?

How did the cut compare to the 3D preview? (I don’t have the font you used — tracking it down now)

Could you send us a wide photo showing how the stock is mounted on the machine?

The 3D preview seems fine with the font version which I found:

The file preview seems okay as well:

Are you sure that this isn’t a mechanical issue which coincidentally occurred when you did the software change?

Please check your machine mechanically — if everything checks out, make a very simple and small file which you can cut in a piece of scrap as requested above and I’ll cut the test piece on my machine to compare.


version 1 bottom left corner. the tool to set it up was the 201. the file stared with the 302. that’s how it was clamped in. the first pic you can see how messed up both the stars and letters are vs the 3d image. it got thrown hard in my junk wood bucket after seeing how messed up it is and not being able to reuse the wood to make it again.

Okay, I have a bit of scrap which will at least allow testing the first part of the cut.

Clamped at 3 corners and one edge:


the belts all are basically new the z plus is new the old one locked in the down position as would not rise up

Probed with a 1/4" tooling pin and a BitSetter v2 at the lower left corner:

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Loaded the file “” from the post above which had been downloaded to my downloads folder, clicked on “Start Job”, clicked on “Start”, when prompted, loaded a #302 and clicked “Resume”, the machine began cutting.


Dial on Carbide Compact Router was set to 3.5 — seems to be cutting fine:


yes yours is cutting perfect like mine use too any ideas? on mine is short cutting at times? or cutting all sorts of mess ups? as you can see with these stars it did the same thing butched a few of them while all but 4-6 are perfect.

Please check your machine mechanically.


Cut finished fine (aside from where things broke up where the wood was split or at the knot):

which should verify that the problem isn’t the software, but something mechanical with your machine — if you have trouble identifying the difficulty, let us know at and we’ll do our best to assist.


everything I can see on the machine seems to be like it should be so I am at a lost on what could be causing it. the belts have equal tension. no missing teeth. I haven’t pulled them off to check the gear teeth. as well the wheels guilds have no chips or dents. the wheels are all clean.

Turn your spindle / router OFF and then unplug it so there is no chance of it turning on. Turn on your Shapeoko and connect to it with Carbide motion so that the stepper motors are fully engage. Grab hold of your spindle / router and see if it can wiggle around. If so there is a problem somewhere.


The y axis has 0 play the x has play… like 1/4” left to right. Well looks like I will be call first thing in the morning to carbid 3D. As it looks like the x axis motor has issues.

It’s not likely the motor — they almost never go bad, most likely it’s pulley set screws or the belt.


Looking at the images of your failed project, that checks out. Looks to have shifted about 1/4 of an inch left to right ie X.

I would start by checking that the belt is secure and that the pully’s grub screws are tight.


I have never wanted to shout “JINX!!!” at a forum post before. LOL


I check belts and puppies as well move the rollers slowly with power off every time I before I run it. The belts tensioners are tight it’s just the motor allowing it to shift left to right.