Sliding Enclosure width for 5 Pro 2x2

I’m going to build this epic sliding enclosure as seen here on youtube.

My space is very tight, so I’m hoping to make the base dimensions 38-40" wide (the minimum shows 38" on the specs attached), which is what I want, but I could go 40" (less ideal for space around).
Shapeoko CNC.pdf (326.5 KB)

Has anyone built anything like this that might have some tips?

Here are the enclosure plans for a larger unit.
CNC ROUTER ENCLOSURE 120620.pdf (2.0 MB)

I have built enclosures for equipment before, not for my 5 Pro however. The tip is to build what you want based on the space available. Only you know what you will accept for space to get around the enclosure for cleaning or maintenance etc. The plans you have seem straight forward and are really functional. I think design would serve you well in your space.

I’m mostly wondering if I can get away with the 38" minimum width? As in, will that provide enough clearance on the base next to the rails to attached the sliding side door / wall on each side? I’m not sure what needs to go between the rail and the wall, if anything…

You have minimum dimensions, you can then determine how much space you need based on the plans for the enclosure you’re going to build.

It depends on the thickness of material used to build the enclosure.

Does anything (controls, wires, chains, etc) need to be placed along the outside of the side rail, or can I attach a side wall (made of 1/2 birch ply) right at 37.5 inches?

I have the SO5 Pro 4X4, My table is 65”x62”. Here is the clearance I have. As you can see all the cables are within the frame except the rear of the Y rails in the back of the machine. I have extra space on the right side of the machine looking from the front. I did this to facilitate a vacuum hose mount.

I would be hard pressed to build an enclosure around the 4x4 with only 1/2” material. The sides would not be the issue, the top would be however. I could reinforce the top due to not having the space restriction you r dealing with on the sides.

Thank you for posting the photos!

Can you say what the margin is around the sides and back? There doesn’t seem to be more than a 2" ledge outside the rails and no wires (aside from the red button on the back left). Would you be able to attach an enclosure on that existing table top without interfering with the CNC operation?

I’ll take some measurements tonight and send them to you.

Table is 65” wide (Y to Y rail) and 62” deep (Front to back). I could build an enclosure on this table if I wanted. I would just center the machine on the table.

Thank you! I didn’t think the edge of the left was 4.25" - I appreciate you posting those images!

Yes, I left space to install a fixture to hold the vac hose.