The version of GRBL compiled with the Shapeoko-specific configuration does this:
- upon detecting the feedhold signal: retract partially, stop spindle, retract fully to parking position (top of the Z)
- upon receiving a Cycle Start/Resume command (~), plunge back, restart spindle, complete plunge into the cut at the original depth
The part that CM manages is reactivating the start button in the user interface upon the second detection of the feedhold signal. GRBL does not do anything about mutiple activations of feedhold once it has been triggered once, only a Cycle Start/Resume command will allow to resume. Once the Start button is re-enabled in CM, clicking it will send a “~” behind the scenes to tell GRBL to resume.
More details than anyone wants to know in this thread:
I’m unclear then about the request:
Isn’t this what it is doing already ? on the second press it re-enables Start, which allows one to either resume (by clicking “Start”…granted, it could be called resume then), or stop the job.