I got my Shapeoko XXL together over the past 2 days. I just plugged it in and something must not be right bc it’s not moving. My computer is reading the machine - but when I click jog in carbide motion nothing happens.
The lights on the controller light up - but one of the little blue lights under the yellow/black cables goes out in a second or two after I put the power on.
power supply — green light? Yes
power switch (on the cord if present, tiny thing, easily missed/mistaken for a ferrite bead) — turned on? Yes
connectors plugged in securely? Yes
persistent power light on the control board? Yes
There are also red and green lights blinking on the control.
Ok- so it turns out that i didn’t do any wiring wrong and i can jog. It’s when I try to home that it doesn’t move. Ugh…I feel like I’m so close…but so far from running hello world.
Is a limit switch already hit? With my unit off, I usually move it away from the limit switches before powering on and then it will home just fine. Another suggestion, did you tell your controller that you have limit switches on the unit? http://docs.carbide3d.com/shapeoko-faq/shapeoko-3-limit-switch-installation/
I did a complete shut down and restarted everything and tried to jog…and it moved properly.
I still have to figure out the homing - so for the little test runs I did - I just previewed the job to see where it was going to start.
Hopefully I didn’t hurt anything…I only tried it bc of the question if I could. I thought it was a way to help diagnose. Like - if you can - you did “x” wrong or “y” isn’t functioning properly. Won’t do it again now that I know it can be damaging. Thanks!!
I only mention the possibility of damage out of an abundance of caution, and for full disclosure — some movement by hand can’t be avoided, and the stepper drivers are designed to accept and send current — you’d probably have to work pretty hard to damage them, but it’s best to be careful and avoid the possibility as much as is practicable.