Stuttering when reaching max position in X axis during homing operation

I have been using my S3 XXL since 8/20 without many unsolvable issues.
Latest project stopped when a tool was placed on the right Y rail and got jammed under gantry. I freed the machine and initiated the homing procedure. When reaching the X max position it started stuttering/grinding as if trying to continue past it’s physical limit.
I cut power to machine so as to not damage the belt. I restarted the machine and attempted to re-home, but with same result. I am stuck and so is my S3 XXL.

Check the homing switches?

Let us know at and we’ll do our best to assist.

I did a physical test with touching the metal spanner to each limit switch, triggering the LED on each.

with the machine off, move the gantry to where you think it should trigger the homing switch…
then turn it on (but don’t home)
if the light does not turn on… there’s your problem… you might need to adjust the sensor position until it does light up


The easiest fixes are the BEST!
Thanks to all!
KB5KAB clear.

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