Suggestion: progress annotations/controls

In the same way that some YouTube videos have yellow markers along the timeline you can identify and jump to, it would be great if Carbide Motion could do something similar.

Users already name the individual sections in Carbide Create so if these names could be inserted as special comments in the code then Carbide Motion could annotate the progress bar. Could even make the annotations marks ‘clickable’ so users could skip/fastforward over some sections provided it could be done safely (up to the user).
Doubly useful would be the ability to go backwards and repeat some sections if the bit broke.
Controls on the annotations could also serve as breakpoints. i.e. pause the machine before starting the selected section.

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What a brilliant idea!

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Every have to rerun the same job because the second operation failed but the first was fine and you end up cutting air for the first operation…this would let you jump past that. Great idea.

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