Is anyone else having a problem with Carbide Create V514 compatibility with Inkscape created SVG?
I created the image of 3 disjoint washers/rings (simply 3 pairs of concentric circles) on a page in Inkscape. I imported the svg file to Carbide Create. The imported image looks good (3 pairs of concentric circles) in Carbide Create.
I go to toolpaths to cut out the washers (rings). I set the paths to cut with a 1/4" end mill, full depth of 0.25" for plywood. I go to edit tabs and add the tabs on the inside and outside of each washer. For each addition of a tab, the number of tabs increments. However, some of the tabs do not appear on the drawing. Clear all tabs and try again, the same tabs fail to appear, sometimes a different set of tabs fail to appear.
Going to the Show Simulation, the missing tabs do not appear, though the count of tabs is correct on the edit tabs screen.
If I create the 3 washers on Carbide Create (no importing of content), all tabs are created correctly. Apparently, something is not compatible between Carbide Create and SVG data imported from Inkscape.
Am I doing something wrong with the import? Is there a known incompatibility with Inkscape imports.
This is not a unique occurrence, I happens with other drawings, this is just a simple sample test case. I do more complicated work on Inkscape (or I would do it in Carbide Create directly) and it appears I can not use Inkscape anymore (or I need to learn what I am doing wrong with the import). If this is a compatibility problem, is there an alternate software art tool that can be used for more complicated images that will work with Carbide Create?
I am unclear on exactly what your issue is. But I would suggest making sure that in Inkscape, you have everything selected before clicking object to path. I have had this issue before where some stuff got lost in translation this way.
I was not trying to be deceptive with the original comment, but, today I was not able to duplicate the problem with the simplified sample of 3 rings(washers). The simple test seemed to produce the problem yesterday. Not sure why it works properly today.
However, I was able to duplicate the described problem with the original 3 gaskets that caused me to notice the original problem. I am attaching the 2 files, svg and c2d with the gaskets that cause the problem. The c2d indicates 12 tabs, but, the generated c2d does not show all the tabs, only 9 tabs show.
An interesting second effect was noticed. After closing the c2d file and reopening the file, I seem to have strange lines running from the bottom left corner of the screen to the objects in the image. I am not certain what is generating those lines. They were not inserted during the creation of the images, nor were they present before closing the c2d file.
Note, because I am new to the community, I received a message that I may only add 1 picture per message, so, I will have to attach multiple messages.
Thanks for noticing it attached. I was curious why it attached and looked so small. I assumed that was just the way they attached on this board and did not try to reattach it.
Neilferreri, This version (your version from above) seems to work. I don’t understand. Is this one that you just created that imitates my copy or was this my version and you did something to adjust the file. It correctly operates in carbide Create, while the original version did not work. Could there be something that is changing in the transition through the load to the board. I am really confused
If you obtained your copy that you tested with from the Neiferreri copy, you are right … it works in version 514 Carbide Create on my computer too.
If you get my original version from above, it does not work. I am using version 514 of Carbide Create in all tests. As you can see in the toolbar of the jpg I attached, it is using Version 514 (creates straight lines from the left and has only 9 tabs).
It attached strangely small (tiny) to the original message. That is curious too. I do not know why it attached so small … if the attachments are normally larger for svg files.
Do we have any idea what would be the difference between the copy provided by Neiferreri and the original that I created?? I am sorry to be a bother.
Could it be a compatibility problem between specific version of Inkscape and Carbide Create V514? I am using Inkscape 1.0 (4035a4fb49, 2020-05-01).
I just noticed that there is now an Inkscape 1.0.1. I will load that version of Inkscape and see if the problem continues. I will get back to you on the results of the update and test.
It seems to be the node thing.
Try this, in Inkscape.
Select all the shapes.
Ctrl+K to combine paths.
Open node tool.
Select ALL nodes (you’ll see 198 nodes)
Click “Join Selected Nodes”
That should work. Note, when you combine paths it also moves them to a single layer, but doing that on its own, without joining nodes, didn’t seem to work.
Also note, I never saw the weird lines going to nowhere.
Also note…I’m like 18 versions behind in Create. I’m just used to seeing messed up SVGs.