That would be something for higher-ups, esp. @Luke.
When you’re doing the G4Pxx, is the P in seconds? Everything I’ve read says P is time in milliseconds and S is time in seconds, but that wouldn’t make sense in your case as 5 milliseconds certainly wouldn’t be long enough for a spindle to get up to speed.
I think g4p is seconds while g4u is msecs
G-code is annoying like that, in that it is a de facto “standard” but is not actually implemented exactly the same way on différent machines, so you probably found info related to e.g. a 3d sprinter firmware. I stumbled upon this answer from GRBL’s author, where he stated that GRBL follows LinuxCNC definitions of G-codes, they are all available here:
There is a bit of information on G-Code at:
which is oriented towards the specifics of Grbl’s implementation — any corrections or clarification would be welcome.
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