Text simulation/Engraving does not work


I am new on carbide create. I have just downloaded the latest version (V5 build 514).
I just try to add a Text and created a toolpath for it.

But when I do the simulation I did not see any text. I tried different way to engrave the text (pocket , offset …) , different fonts, different engraving mills but still nothing

I export the gcode and imported in grblControl and still nothing.

What am I doing wrong?


Please post the file you are having trouble with and we will do our best to work through this with you.

Also, if you prefer some support in French, you can PM me.

Secret? clones? Sorry this went over my head, is that one of these cases where I used the wrong words/idioms? :sweat_smile:

ha, it was just me being a little slow, please don’t curb anything!

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Hello guys,

thanks for the quick replies. Here is the file

Thanks for your help

texttesing.c2d (238.0 KB)

You are trying to use a 1/8" diameter tool in a pocket toolpath:

Pocket toolpaths should be used w/ flat-bottomed (square) endmills.

Moreover, the narrowest part of the geometry needs to be ~10% wider than the widest part of the endmill:

Use a V carving instead:


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