Thought my "Freezing" issue was fixed

Good morning. Not so much a techy…more of a call the computer repair guy and have him fix it. Lol. A friend of a friend of a friend walked me though how to do it over the phone. But it worked. Norton is definitely staying removed.

Every computer is like a finger pint, unique. I have Norton 360 and love it. When Windows does a major upgrade I have had Norton self repair itself causing a reboot but never an serious problems.

As long as you have some security software that is what is important. Windows builtin security is like leaving the key to your house under the welcome mat at the front door, not advisable.

I did replace the security software with what the gentleman that helped me out suggested. I figure he’s a computer repair guy so I went with his recommendation. Getting ready to head out to the shop and start cutting here shortly.

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