At this point I’m not sure how my machine is still even functioning! I’ve probably made more mistakes in the last 3 days than some people have made in years. I’ve just got to slow my mind down and focus is all. I am one with The Force, The Force is with me.
I am one with The Force, The Force is with me.
I am one with The Force, The Force is with me. lol
That just means you’re catching up!
It isn’t about “The Force”, Teddy, its about the details. Miss one and it haunts you!
You make a great point!
It’s already haunting me and The Force is no where to be found!
Keep notes. A spiral notepad and pen are very helpful. Take note and write shit down, Writing it helps remember and you can look over old notes to learn from mistakes.
The project I shared above…That is the third cut.
The first cut was on the material the person provided. It was a 10 inch x 1 x 36 Birch. The 10 inch was not enough for the amount of detail and we did not agree on this until about 6 or 8 hours in.
I pulled that and offered a 14 inch by 1 by 36 Red Oak. Seemed wide enough for the detail, but I still had to remove some of the images because they would have been too close to cut. (the 0.032 may have done it but that would take weeks.)
Carved it all out, at least 16 hours and did not like the way the Aquarius guy came out… Planned that down (it was a bit difficult shoving that carved project through a planner).
Redesign a lot of the art and chose new paths and tools and started in again.
The third time I thought was a fair project so I finished it the way it is in the pics.
Biggest mistake in the whole deal? This was free work for an inlaw…everyone gets one free… the rest will cost ya!!!
Most definitely. The freebies help get the word out and more eyes on what you “can” do. But what they “want” you to do after that, has to cost! Well stated.
Cool, I can do that. I have a note pad already with my design ideas and sketches, may as well jot down some XYZ values
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