Tool Library Add

Good afternoon, I was wondering if it would be possible to add more information than just numbers in the tool number category when adding a new tool. When I get a bit change it just shows me the tool number. With all the bits I use from different manufacturers this becomes difficult when I am running something off a saved file. I believe this was requested before, but the thread was closed. Thanks for considering this request.

I think this may be the wrong approach. Tool number is typically just a number.
Adding the option to display the tool name or tool description makes more sense to accomplish the same task.

They would have to expose the tool name to the post, then output it in a format that CM could use. Perhaps a comment after the tool parameters & before the toolchange.??

@Allen44 has added some of that info into the status line on the post processor he created for Vectric Vcarve

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You can add a tool through the CC interface. However after that you can edit the .csv file in a spreadsheet. You open CC and in Help Open Data Directory. Under tools you will find your custom libraries. Double click on the one you want to edit. Add or change what you want. Then “Save As” .csv file. Do not save as a spreadsheet file because CC cannot read those.

No matter what you add CC and CM only read certain fields. The tool number is required and has to be unique. DO not duplicate existing tool numbers. Before creating new tools think about the categories and maybe vee bits start with “7” and straight bits “8”. You can just add them sequentially but unless you have a list of what tool # is what you wont know 6 months from now.

Todd , that’s what I was thinking as well. Tomorrow I’m going to check and see what happens with a canned bit that’s already in the data base. Seems like at bit change time it gives more detailed information on the canned bit than just the number. I may be wrong on that but will test tomorrow when I can.

Yes, the bits that are preloaded in the DB show more info than the ones you load. There have been complaints about this in the past but it has not changed.

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