Greetings All - based on my keyword searches this seems to be a new topic.
I created a trapazoidal shape with edge fillets in Creo, to get into carbide create I needed first needed to open the dxf in inkscape, save as an SVG and then open the SVG in carbide create.
Now that I’ve done that carbide create is choking on the interpretation of the shape.
I select a complete loop and go to create an inside left path and the tool path jumps back and forth between inside and outside cutting.
My work around was to create both inside and outside line offsets, delete the ones that were truly outside and create a no offset tool path on the actual inside offset.
However when I look at the resulting tool path it doesn’t run continuously but rather jumps around.
My main concern is small discontinuities that will result as the tool plunges and retracts mid path.
The process of generating these tool paths has been a lot more challenging than I expected - so probably a sign I need to move to a more powerful CAM software sooner rather than later.
It seemed like something strange was up when I first started selecting the vectors in the loop and I saw the join command pop up and then disappear once the whole loop was selected.
At one point in the sequence the join command was there and when executed it deleted the lower horizontal and right hand line vectors. I re-drew those lines, having them connect to the arc end nodes and then got to the above point of a full loop, that still wasn’t closed and with no option to close.