Upgrade to ShapeOKO Pro XL

I currently have an older ShapeOKO XL. All of my designs were made with Carbide Create Build 431.
If I do the upgrade to the PRO I would install the latest version on Carbide Motion. And start using the latest version of Carbide Create. My question is, will all of my existing designs still work with the ShapeOKO XL pro or will they need to be converted using the latest version of Carbide Create.

Yes, the Pro uses the same software stack, so all of your designs will still cut, and you’ll have the option of increasing the feeds and speeds and depth of cut to take advantage of the rigidity of the Pro.

Perfect. Thanks for the feedback. I WANT ONE.
When can I order a PRO XP.


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In theory your CC files from earlier versions should work. However I had some 3.x and maybe 4.x that in 5.x did not cut properly. I was able to salvage any files that did not cut properly by deleting the tool paths and recreating them in 5.x. Not every file from my 3.x and 4.x versions have problems and if you use the preview of your design you will see which ones are not working properly.

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Anyone who has a file from an old version which doesn’t load properly in the current version should send it in to support@carbide3d.com