So. Update. I have now successfully performed a few tool paths using CC and CM. It looks like I’ll continue to use CM as this seems to be more-or-less required to operate the machine.
CC was friendly enough to do some basic stuff. Since I was working with arbitrary scrap from around my shop for the first couple of cutting operations, I thought it’d be a good idea to surface the stock (it was just a random pine 2x4). I noticed a couple of things that gave me pause:
- There was no surface operation you could select in CC. There was “texture”, but that seemed like a predetermined “effect”. So, I ended up using a pocket operation for 1/8" across my part.
- The pocket operation left a thin strip of wood in the center with the default options. The overlap was supposed to be 1/8" for my 1/4" end mill, but the initial operation from the center doesn’t overlap at all, leaving the thin strip of wood remaining. I think CC’s auto-generated tool path may need some tweaking.
But, a pocket operation isn’t really what I want, I wanted a surfacing. Did I miss that somewhere in CC?
I also had it do some lettering (with the 1/4" end mill). Came out nice. I look forward to doing it with a V-groove end mill.