Hi, I would like the shapeoko 3 to undertake the following job in brass. I need to mark the position of 4 drill holes for 1.5mm bolts. What would be the best way to machine this, thanks
I think the ideal way is to Hole Mill it. Use a tool a bit smaller than the hole. (Let’s say a 1mm)
Select the 1.5mm circle, create a contour toolpath. Set the depth per cut on the tool to a number greater than the hole depth. Set the max depth on the toolpath. Turn on Ramping and set it to 3-5°.
The path will spiral (helix) all the way to the bottom of the hole, then make one pass at the hole depth.
If you must use a 1.5mm end mill, then use the Drill path, and Peck Drill it with very small pecks.
I wouldn’t recommend using a regular twist drill. Router speeds are way too fast for this type of tool.
There are “Mill Drill” tools made that are designed for faster speeds.
Are you just marking the position and drilling off CNC? In that case, just use an engraving end mill to mark it and give your drill bit a start.
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