Mmh, that’s the worst case scenario…a (very impractical) workaround would be to lower the Suckit height every 10min or so?.
One alternative I have looked at myself is a floating dust shoe, not sure how it would cope with 50mm depth of cut though. I also have hope in the pressure foot concept @themillertree has been experimenting.
It seems to me that when the cutting surface if far from the dust shoe, you get better results with a cylindrical shoe, maybe try a Sweepy or another 3d-printed router-mounted dust shoe, and see if it helps ?
Right now I am using a custom fixed Z-height dust shoe that is halfway between a Suckit (fixed Z height) and a Sweepy (cylindrical intake), and I am very happy with how it performs, even when there is, say, 10mm gap between the shoe and the stock. I’m sure it would not work well at 50mm gap though…