So the thing is, at this point in time the spindle&VFD upgrade is not something that is officially supported, which is why you can’t find any official tutorial/video to do it. However, the information is available out there:
- the forum has many many threads about this, but it’s not easy to find your way in the available information. Check out the “Mods/Add-on” part of the selection of forum threads for two of the popular threads.
- the ebook has a small section about the concept. The pinout for the Pro XXL controller and where to pick up the PWM signal is in this thread among others.
I don’t know about unofficial videos, I would not be surprised if someone out there on Youtube explained how they hooked up their VFD to the Shapeoko.
And then there’s always…asking the forum once you have read about the basics (tldr: connect the PWM from the controller to the VI input of the VFD, GND to GND, adjust VFD parameters, done), we’ll be happy to support you