Vfd spindle unresponsive first use

hi everyone im new to shapeoko and cnc, any help would be appreciated.
I set up my CNC a few weeks ago when i went to make my first cut the spindle didn’t turn on and dragged the endmill across the stock i stopped the job immediately. i went online started searching issues cant find anything, i emailed carbide they sent me a new control board that i switched out today, i went to run the m3s18000 command on MDI no response again the digital led screen only reads 168.8 and flashing, i hit the jog button it jogs, i have the ring light on to activate the spindle, but absolutely nothing makes a noise from the spindle. anyone have the same issue or came accross a topic discussing the issue and a resolution thanks

Welcome to the forum.

You’re going to get asked several questions to help your situation.

Which model CNC do you ave?
What software are you using?
Post the cut file you are trying to cut with.

I’m a new owner myself and and most issues that need to be resolved have these questions asked.

I’m using Carbide Motion and can perform a “spindle warmup” sequence to test the spindle if needed.

Did you power on the VFD part of the spindle? I believe it has its own power switch.


shapeoko pro 5 4x4
carbide motion
the cut file was just the simple contour coaster file from the carbide intro

i have performed the spindle warmup but nothing turns on nothing make any type of noise. im not getting any type of response from the router or even the control box the cnc itself works and moves flawlessly i did the marker test without problems

yea the box itself is on the digital screen is on the ring at the bottom is also on these numbers never go up or down it just flashes

I have the same setup, however my default number is flashing 0.0, red light on the lower circle switch with the Emerg cutoff switch in off. CC and CM programs are closed on the computer for reference.

does any else adapter to the vfd spindle look like this on mine the green and black cable are switched on opposite ports i wonder if that’s the problem I’m having can anyone confirm if their cable looks like this or different thanks

I’ll check mine and get back to you in a few minutes.

Just checked my cable and both ends match. Red/Green paired together and the black is on opposite end/row by itself. That very well could be the problem.