What!? ... literally mid cut

So literally mid cut some how the lock button depressed it’s self…


I have sent an email but am wondering if this happened to anyone else. Or am I literally just plain unlucky.

If it’s any consolation, well done. I think this is the most catastrophic failure I’ve seen here.

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Literally it was cutting fine then all hell broke loose.

I think I remember a guy who somehow had the entire XZ assembly rip itself off.

This might be the scariest, though. Thankful it was in a CNC and not in your hand.

Any chance the dust shoe caught and pressed into it?

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Nope it was all the way down on the wood. I run a pwnd one not the Shapeoko one @neilferreri

I saw that. I’ve had my old suckit get hung up and the thin acrylic piece get racked by the collet.
I assumed your router was much lower when it happened.

Glad you’re ok… That looks like it could’ve gone worse.

It was but so was the dust boot. I was only doing 1/8” deep so the bit wasn’t very deep. And still had 3”s of clearance.

I luckily was right by the kill switch the moment it happened.

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Ouch! May I suggest duct tape and possibly an ez-tie, and she will be right as rain.
Seriously though, glad you are ok. That is most unexpected.


Gorilla Tape will hold that…

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It’s like a SawStop… for routers!


I know I’m late to the game, but since that button is spring loaded I’m dubious that it pushed itself. Having said that, one should check to see if the spring is still loaded or maybe it isn’t even in there!

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