When is square not square

I had hope that the pro xxl would be much easier to dial in than my SO3 but it seems it has its fair share of gremlins. Im scrapping lots of parts and am now on machine disassembly for the 3rd time trying to figure out why I can’t get the machine squared up. While I’m waiting on a replacement z homing switch I trammed everything in, calibrated steps because I noticed my holes weren’t coming out sized right, double checked equal belt tension etc and went to work running a part I’ve run several times on my so3. It’s a great test to see how the machine is running because it’s a 2 sided op with a bore that should line up from both sides. When the hole wasn’t lining up like it should I started checking everything. I finally broke out the dial indicator and ran sweeps on my fixture plate , squaring up the x , would through off the y and the same with y to x. Checked belts again, x gantry touches front plate etc. I finally decided to put the dial indicator and run the y gantry and sure enough it’s like the back end of my Y is twisted or warped. If I tight everything up following the instructions I can’t seem to get the back squared up without throwing everything out of wack again. It’s amazing how .020 out of square will throw parts off. Any suggestions how to get the Pro squared up ? Only thing I haven’t done is disassemble the end plates to see if it has twist in it.

Please work up a diagram documenting how things are not lining up and send that in to support@carbide3d.com and we will do our best to assist.

I’ll see what I can sort out after I put the machine back together. Shapeoko are like the jeep of the cnc world. They will eventually get you where you want to go but you have to do a lot of work to get them road worthy. Honestly getting the SO3 dead square was pretty easy with some foil and just sort of grabbing it and giving it a twist. The pro might be an improvement but so far it just requires 20x more things to be unscrewed to deal with issues

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