Where did the Vee Bits go?

Hi @BrentG,

Welcome !

The latest Carbide Create versions use a “material-based” approach to selecting tools and feeds and feeds. Its tool selection window contains a number of combination of material+tool, with associated recommended feeds and speeds.

The Vee bits are there, but…not in all material categories (yet)

For example, their are available under “MDF” / “Vee”:

If you want to use V-bits in a material that is not listed there, tell us what material it is and the guys here on the forum can probably make a good recommendation for your particular case.

If you are new to the feeds and speeds thing, I suggest you try and stick to the values recommended by CC initially, as they have been tested for you and are a safe starting point.

And then the question of a “chart” for feeds and speeds has a surprisingly complex answer, because there are many parameters involved and there is an infinity of combinations.

@WillAdams maintains a neat chart for various machine/material combinations that you can check:

And if you have insomnia, you could read about my approach to determining feeds and speed here (but if this looks scary, you can safely ignore it too)