There is no way to plug the wiring into the control box, wires too short.
Please count the links on your drag chain — I think it’s 20 for an XL, 32 for an XXL — if you have too many, remove them.
If that’s not it, open up the drag chain and relay the wires as needed, being careful not to pull any pins out of the connectors.
If that still doesn’t work, let us know at
Based on what I found when assembling my XL, I’m going to make a wild guess that the Y axis drag chain is connected with the wrong end of the chain on the bracket. If you do that, the chain kind of hangs in mid air and you won’t have enough wire length to reach the control box. The end which does not have the connectors going to the control box is fastened to the bracket, runs forward, curves down and runs along the Y axis rail and to the control box.
I don’t know if this will help but here is a photo of how my XL’s Y Axis drag chain is set up near the control box.
That’s a lot more drag chain links than is normal — usually the drag chain ends even or a bit short of the end of the controller.
Yes, I have it a bit far back. It still has freedom for the gantry to reach the front of the unit without stress on the wires. When I get a chance, I may move it forward a bit.
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