I am just setting up my Shapeoko xl. I am trying to wire the feed pins on the new riser board to an estop button. Not sure what type of wire to use. Any help would be appreciated.
Are you talking about a feed hold momentary switch?
If so…I used the wires that were left over from the old limit sensors when I upgraded to the proximity switches. So really, any wire will work. Since the pins on the (non-pro) board that you need to use are separated by another pin (pins left and right of three), I stole a second molex and connected one to each wire and then pressed on the correct side of a duplex molex onto each pin (using half the molex for each).
FYI: When I set mine up, I got invaluable advice from @ScottsdaleSteve. It was his idea to use the wires from the upgrade.
Yes the feed on hold switch. The machine I received has the upgraded riser board.
Keep in mind that feed hold is not an E-stop. It doesn’t stop immediately and it raises the Z axis after you push it. If you are looking for an E-stop, you need to do something more like this (it also has a feed hold button):
@GCOWAN, if you’re UK -based (I can’t tell) I’ve got miles (well, nearly) of 4-core, single strand cable I used for the feed hold switch.
I can send you a couple of metres, if you want?
Yes. Connect to the two outer pins of the “F” block. That is the feed hold. It works like pressing “Pause” on the Carbide Motion panel (and even when CM isn’t showing an option to pause…so it’s even better).
It does not stop everything…for example, your router will still be running, the shapeoko will pause where it is, the Z will climb and it will just stay there. When you press the button again, the screen will show “REsume”, you press resume, and the Z will drop, and the shapeoko will pick up where you left off.
An eStop is going to shut down the power and kill everything right where it stands. You cannot resume after an eStop (as I understand it).
Thanks…Also what guage wire should I connect the feed and hold pins to the Estop with. Solid or stranded?
Thanks…I will let you know, I may have some kicking around the shop.
I don’t believe it matters. I used the limit switch wires (21 ga? or maybe 18?). I don’t think it matters solid or stranded, but I think solid will be easier to get into a molex or even to solder.
Thanks for your help!
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