X axis doesn't Home on initializing

Machine: Shapeoko
GRBL Version: 1.1f

Carbide Motion 622
Machine Controller State: INIT
Grbl Cycle: Idle

“bitRunnerEnabled”: false,
“bitSetterEnabled”: false,
“bitSetterX”: 0.0,
“bitSetterY”: 0.0,
“bitZeroType”: 0,
“connection”: 1,
“lastConfigSent”: 0,
“lastProbeIndex”: 0,
“lastSizeOption”: 1,
“odometer”: [
“cleared”: true,
“minutes”: 0.0,
“startDate”: “2024-02-28”,
“travelX”: 0.0,
“travelY”: 0.0,
“travelZ”: 60.0
“cleared”: true,
“minutes”: 0.0,
“startDate”: “2024-02-28”,
“travelX”: 0.0,
“travelY”: 0.0,
“travelZ”: 88.625
“cleared”: false,
“minutes”: 0.11620000000000001,
“startDate”: “2024-02-28”,
“travelX”: 10.0,
“travelY”: 0.0,
“travelZ”: 206.82500076293945
“showCarbideRouterRpm”: true,
“spindleType”: 0,
“travelX”: -830.0,
“travelY”: -430.0,
“travelZ”: -100.0,
“version”: 0,
“workOffsetX”: 0.0,
“workOffsetY”: 0.0,
“workOffsetZ”: 0.0

0 = 10, Step pulse, microseconds
1 = 255, Step idle delay, milliseconds
2 = 0, Step port invert, mask
3 = 6, Direction port invert, mask
4 = 0, Step enable invert, boolean
5 = 0, Limit pins invert, boolean
6 = 0, Probe pin invert, boolean
10 = 255, Status report, mask
11 = 0.02, Junction deviation, millimeters
12 = 0.01, Arc tolerance, millimeters
13 = 0, Report inches, boolean
20 = 0, Soft limits, boolean
21 = 0, Hard limits, boolean
22 = 1, Homing cycle, boolean
23 = 0, Homing dir invert, mask
24 = 100, Homing feed, mm/min
25 = 2000, Homing seek, mm/min
26 = 25, Homing debounce, milliseconds
27 = 3, Homing pull-off, millimeters
30 = 24000, Max spindle speed, RPM
31 = 0, Min spindle speed, RPM
32 = 0, Laser mode, boolean
100 = 40, X steps/mm
101 = 40, Y steps/mm
102 = 40, Z steps/mm
110 = 10000, X Max rate, mm/min
111 = 10000, Y Max rate, mm/min
112 = 5000, Z Max rate, mm/min
120 = 500, X Acceleration, mm/sec^2
121 = 500, Y Acceleration, mm/sec^2
122 = 400, Z Acceleration, mm/sec^2
130 = 845, X Max travel, millimeters
131 = 850, Y Max travel, millimeters
132 = 100, Z Max travel, millimeters


Travel (km) 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 Hours since 2024-02-28
Travel (km) 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 Hours since 2024-02-28
Travel (km) 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 Hours since 2024-02-28

Queue Empty

You can connect to your Shapeoko and do not initialize. Then hold a metal object in front of your homing switches. In the Settings and Debug you can see if the switch activates. If it activates then you may just need to adjust it closer to activate. If it does not show activated with a wrench in front of it then check the wiring. If wiring is good then replace the homing switch. Usualy adjustment is the answer but if it is bad no amount of adjustment will help.

If this machine is new to you then be sure to run the configuration with the correct configuration. You did not say what kind of machine you have. The SO3 is very stable with wiring but the SO4/SO4 Pro have had some problems with wiring connectors. Even the SO3 can have connection problems so tug on both ends of any connectors to see if the wires are loose. The SO3 you can recrimp the connectors. My understanding is the SO4/5 have different connectors that you cannot just recrimp and takes a special tool to extract and crimp.

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All switches activate when checked with metal. LEDs on switch light up and on the board LEDs turn blue. I physical pushed the machine (while off) to the back right home area and the switches activated so I don’t think it is adjustment. When initializing the z just keeps going down.

When machine initializes the z goes up first. If z homes then x and y are next. If z fails initialization fails. If your z goes down on an so 3 you picked wrong z. Belt z and hdz run same direction but z-plus runs in opposite direction. What machine do you do have?. Not sure about so4. Rerun configuration and make sure you pick correct z axis. You can go on c3d shopping site to identify z-plus or hdz. A Google search for belt z. A z-plus has a stud at bottom of lead screw with a hole. An hdz has a bearing block at bottom of ball screw. A belt z has a belt in back of z axis

Thank you So Much I had the wrong Z. Everything is good now.

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