X axis help moving to far left at start

I have the bit setter and bit zero version one. Now when I start a job I insert the tool and the machine set the length and then I jog to the bit zero and set x and Y things appear to be fine (this is the way I have always done it and it always worked) but now when I start the job the machine moves all the way left and starts trying to cut off the work piece way left of it. I have tried resending the configuration, deleting the tool path and making a new one. Nothing works always moves far left of the work piece and starts there.

Where is the origin specified in the file?

Do you have some geometry selected for a toolpath which is where the machine is moving to and off the stock?

Post the .c2d file?

Cutting board holder.nc (236.7 KB)

The origin in the file is at the center:

Are you setting the origin at the bottom left corner?

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