Got my first project cut out with the new Beaver HDZ but had this issue with the x axis banging into the side when I home the machine. Not sure what it is, anyone have an idea?
Can you get a pic or video straight down the Y? And from the top? It’s hard to tell with the angle through the Y plate.
X axis homing switch isn’t working properly - check the switch - that it is being hit properly, that it is hooked up, and that it actually works (look at the lights on the board and push the button)
Hard to see but looks like it wasnt even hitting the switch
Thanks guys I’ll check it out!
Will do, give me a little bit
Honestly no idea. It’s working now? This was one of three times I tried from different places on the table and they all worked. No idea … I guess if it happens tomorrow I’ll update.
Thanks for the info for next time though.
Hard to tell from the video, however it looks like the top X axis wheel is hitting the belt clip before the limit switch is touching the Y plate.
To troubleshoot, when homing- touch the X limit switch before it hits the Y plate and make sure it is working. If it works, try to adjust the belt clip towards the rear of the machine when tightening to gain more room for the wider V-Wheels and try to adjust the X axis limit swich further out if possible when tightening to the X plate. If that doesn’t buy you enough room, try to add a shim to where the swich contacts the Y plate.
It could be the the belt clip. The new Z axis v wheels are bigger and I may have not removed enough powder coating from the mounting bracket to give it room
@Stari Can you share your $$ Grbl Settings. Looks like your $24 setting is high.
You also need to hold the clip when tightening it or it will rotate. You can try to add a flat washer and lock washer between the bolt and the Y plate.
I changed my V-wheels to the Open-Builds which have wider tires than the stock ones supplied with the SO3. I was able to move the belt clip out of the way by rotating it slightly when tightening enough so it would not interfere with the wider tires of the wider wheels.
Morning @Stari
You are hitting the belt clip.
You need to drill your hole out a fraction and as @Lewscrew says hold it down nice and tight towards the back of the machine when tightening for the heavier duty v wheel to clear.
It looks like it’s hit the clips a few times and maybe moved it for you, but I’d check clearances on both sides to be sure.
There is example pics/vid in the instructions. Luke
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