XXL assembly question

I was wondering if any others had issues with screws not fully lining up to the holes. I dont want to force them since this isn’t a cheap IKEA product but I also don’t want to stop building over something I can probably force and strip a bit. You can see the two screws that attach the right motor plate to the back rail. I have encountered this on two other screws so far as well but all seems square etc. So seems like holes were drilled ever so slightlys off.

Anyone else encounter this and just proceed?

Thanks for the help!

I don’t know if this is typical or not, but I know that what may help (assembly, and later squaring the machine) is to remove the powder coat inside the holes in the plates, (gently) using a drill bit. In your case it may help getting just enough additional clearance for the screws to go is more easily/without forcing.

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Cool. Thanks for the quick reply. That is helpful info, I will take a look at the squaring instructions and see if I think that could help later on.

I read your post too fast, these are the screws that hold the motor then it has nothing to do with squaring (I was thinking of the four screws that hold the plate to the extrusion)
Still, removing the powder coat won’t hurt, and will probably help.

Also–and sorry if this is obvious to you–don’t tighten any of the screws until you get them all started. Once you have at least a few threads of engagement on each, then you can tighten them. It’s one of those things I was taught as a kid and still remember every time I"m assembling something.


All super helpful. I was able to shave the powder coating off to get a little more aligned and got the rails all attached. Similar issue though, got three screws started and the last one wasn’t lined up as good as I would have liked and had to muscle them in. Done with all the structural screws now, so think I am good.

Thanks for the replys and tips!

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I had to drill mine out because I could not get the screws to go in. I barely went up in hole size but that did the trick. It is very hard to tell if the screw is just a little tight against black metal frame or if you are cross threading. So I opted to just drill them (maybe up 1/32") and then the screws went in nicely.

I had to tap one of the foot nuts (bottom plate). Ended up going together nicely but we are not alone with this issue.

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