Y Axis cut off after homing & loading new gcode

I have a XL and have been using it for a year now. Im using the latest version of carbide motion and Vcarve desktop. Here’s the issue: while trying to cut a rosette pocket in spruce with a 1/32" down cut bit the following problems occurred. There are 4 Gcodes involved in the project, three with the same 1/32" bit in the router and the last a bit change to a 1/8" for a larger area cut out. The main pocket for the rosette as designed in Vcarve desktop used the 1/32" for the outter pocket and then the 1/8" clearance bit. Both if these Gcodes were generated at the same tine by vcarve. The other two cuts were both with the 1/32" bit the soundhole and a inlay.

  1. first cut was the 1/32" pocket outline, it went just fine. Homed the machine, rapid positioned to the last X,Y position and then loaded the next code.
  2. with the same bit in the router i ran the inlay Gcode, it lined up fine but the machine finished after running only 88% of the Gcode. The Shaopko XL just went into the "I’m finished " routine. The router lifted up and returned to the back position.once again i homed the machine & rapid positioned to the last X,Y position and then loaded the next code.
  3. I next ran the soundhole Gcode once again with the same 1/32" bit still in the router, this time the cut was off on the Y axis by a significant amount. i changed the bit to a 1/8" bit for the next cut and I homed the machine & rapid positioned to the last X,Y position and then loaded the next code.
  4. This time the Y axis cut was so off that it ran way outside the area it was supposed to Clear out.
    I can provide the Gcodes and a picture on the results.

Please send those in to support@carbide3d.com and we’ll look into them.

Have you tried re-running them in a piece of scrap using a different G-Code sender?