This machine is kicking my butt. I cannot get it dialed in whatsoever. It seems like I fix one thing then there is always another…currently I am battling with some Y-axix chatter from the gantry with a V-roller that will not get tight. I read that the v rollers should not spin freely, correct me if I am wrong…all of my v rollers are tight except for one. It is not the roller itself as I have swapped it with a tight one and still end up with the same result which tells me something is skewed. please help point me in the right direction, I just wanna cut stuff!
I had something like that happen when I first put mine together, and it was caused by my belts being too tight. I don’t know if it’s the same issue though because it was all of the rollers, not just one. Hope this helps!
My x was slightly twisted so I had to loosen my x on both sides. Then adjusted my v wheels tight then retighted one side/torque x square as I tighten other side
Loose pulley on my y
Mis matched belt tightness
This all added up to my x wanting to twist and bind as it was traveling.
Humor me and rapid to front center and measure the distance on both sides from front of machine…
Thanks for the advice, I believe this to be the issue since one of the wheels isn’t sitting like the rest…I ran the rapid front middle, the difference was off by 2.8mm!