Yet another Shapeoko Pro XXL wasteboard question

I (noob) want to try and make some objects which end up being cut out completely, so I don’t want to spoil the supplied MDF “planks” that sit in the rails.

However, I also want to make use of the aluminium tracks that came with it - I don’t want a network of holes. And I have bought some extra long bolts which would happily reach the original slot nuts.

Has anyone heard of a wasteboard design that just plonks on top of the XXL Pro board that comes shipped?

One solution is just to cut up an identical set of MDF planks and put them on top of the existing ones. Would love to hear from anyone who has pondered a similar thing.

PS. If anyone from Carbide is here, would they mind telling me the exact dimensions of the supplied MDF planks.

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I mounted my threaded spoilboard to the top of my t~track mdf using t-nuts. If I’m doing a through cut, I use another (flattened as well) piece of 1/2” mdf to cut into.

Also, I’ve found the original t-track design wasn’t at all useful. So, covering it up isn’t a problem. Pro might be better though.

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I say just cut thru on the supplied slats. There’s nothing special about them. They were intentionally designed to make them easy to replace. Replacing a 75mm slat is so much easier than a whole, larger board.


I’d just measure the width of the slats, then cut them the length of your cutting area, then glue them to the top of the existing slats. Then a quick pocket the size of your work area to flatten your wasteboard and you’re good to go.

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