Z Axis error and reset

When I run a program, often, when the running router touches the board, there is a noticeable “clunk”, then the z axis is off. This most often happens at the start of the run, but can happen during the middle of the project. I can reset the z axis, and the program will then run, with or without an ensuing repeat.

I’ve checked the belt tensions, and all seems okay.

The basic points of adjustment for a machine are:

Also feeds and speeds may be a consideration: https://docs.carbide3d.com/support/#tooling-support and see https://www.precisebits.com/tutorials/calibrating_feeds_n_speeds.htm for a testing technique

This has happened to me, and it was the tension for the z belt. I thi k the clunk is it skipping on the belt. It felt tight (it would play a note if I plucked it) but I tightened it another 2 turns on the tensioner and was back in business.


Not sure exactly what you’re doing, but that “clunk” is the stepper skipping steps or skipping a tooth or more on the belt, and is why it’s “off” after that. What kind of cut? What plunge rate? What kind of tool?

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