Z axis glitch near top

Im having troubles with my Z. It seems to get tight an inch from the top causing the stepper motor to lose 12mm consistently. A new Ź assembly has been installed with the same issue. Carbide is working on it but like ive told them not talking in person is a major time suck. This is whats happening

Has anyone in a cold environment had this issue?

The video does little to help diagnose the issue. Would need to see the Z-axis in motion going upwards until it stops. Also having the Z-axis limit sensor in the shot & wiring connector of the Z-axis stepper motor.

The only thing I notice in the video is that it seems like the Z-axis is too high & right up at it’s mechanical limit(though I can’t be entirely certain due to the angle) - which is certainly indicative of the stepper losing steps when moving the spindle downwards.

The window for the limit switch is in the shot and never get activated. Hm009 pops up for homing sensor or mechanical issue. The answer on the z height…they have yet to answer this. New sensor, z and stepper motor

I would suggest you test the Z-limit sensor input via the Settings Debug tab in Carbide Motion. If the sensor(which is most likely good as you just replaced it) is not showing any change of state there, then either your wiring has bad/mixed up connections or your control board has a bad input.
Bad wiring can cause lost steps. Bad control board can cause lost steps. I would troubleshoot the wiring first for bad connections & swapped conductors - each set of wires from controller to stepper motor/sensor should be a consistent color/connector position from end to end.

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