Ive been have having some issues with the touch probe and the z axis. I would use the touch probe to set the X, Y, and Z. Then after running the application, the bit going to the bit setter, it would start to cut. But the bit would be plunging into the work piece. I would stop the application. Then manually bring the bit to the top of the work piece and record the height. The height would be well above zero. This has happened to 5 of my last 20 work pieces. I am running the same .nc file on 20 of the same boards.
Curious if anyone else has had this issue? I feeling is it is touch probe related.
Hi @Rdevine,
Can you share the gcode file, the c2d file, and a (very) detailed record of your workflow to use the probe, change tools, and run the job ?
Those problems tend to be due to not using the proper workflow with the BitSetter, e.g. swapping the tool without using the “Change Tool” button. The other common culprit is an inconsistency between where the Z zero reference is declared in the design file, and where you actually zeroed (top or bottom)
You mentioned you use the same .nc file and run that over and over and it failed 5 times out of 20: are you 100% sure you used the exact same steps in all cases ?
I doubt this is the solution - but I ran into the same issue on Z axis today, but realised it was completely my fault.
I had the z zeroed at the height of the stock. But my bit was really far out of the collet as I was trying to do some deep cuts. This meant that there was actually only 0.25 inches for the z axis to retract up before hitting the top.
This would be fine, however I had my z retract height at 0.5 inches.
So at the start of the job it would make a strange noise, but I didn’t understand exactly what it was and it seemed like it was cutting right until I got near the end.
Another lesson learnt.
Here is my use case.
- Insert new board
- place touch probe on bottom left corner
- find the x, y, and z
- run file
- bit goes to bitsetter before starting to cut
- stop file because bit goes too deep
- reset z axis manually with piece of paper as depth stop
- rerun application
Keep in mind that the issue is only on the first bit. All other bits run okay. I thought that it might be an issue if i used the touch probe using a 1/4" bit and the first required bit would be an 1/8" so i made sure after the first screw up that the 1/8" bit was in when using touch probe.
Id be happy to gather any information you need. I still have to run another 30 boards and Im sure this will happen again.
2021 Board.nc (806.8 KB)
Did you change the endmill before probing?
So I just ran it this morning and i got the same issue.
I inserted the board. I ran the touch probe using the 1/4" bit. I forgot that the file starts with a 1/8" bit. I removed the bit and inserted the 1/8" bit. I started the application. And it plunged right into the board. I stopped the file. Just to see how far the z axis was off, I placed the bit on top of the board and checked the height. It said i was roughly .18 above the surface. Im not sure why there is such an issue with this all of a sudden.
Im testing again using the touch probe with 1/8".
Just so everything if updated… here is the file I just ran and will continue to be running for the tests.
2021 Board.nc (806.8 KB)
Forgot to add…
After I removed the bit and inserted the 1/8" bit I manually set the z axis before starting the file.
After redoing the touch probe using the bit I intented to start with and without changing the bit height it appears to be cutting okay.
It makes me think the issue is if you set the height using the touch probe and dont run the file right away without changing the bit or the bit height you will have an issue. But it you run the file after using the touch probe and not changing the bit or bit height you are okay. I thought i was able to do this because i have the bitsetter.
Please use the Tool change button for all tool changes.
What would be a proper workflow for my file. Keep in mind that it starts with a 1/8" bit and ends with a 1/4".
- touch probe with 1/8"
- start file
- file ends
- change tool button and put in 1/8"
- touch probe with 1/8"
- repeat
- touch probe with 1/8"
- start file
- file ends
- touch probe with 1/8"
- repeat
Do i need to select tool change if i plan to redo the touch probe and select 1/8?
You shouldn’t, the tool change button should only be necessary if you actually change the tool.
Here’s an example of a good workflow:
- initialize the machine
- allow it to measure the tool
- use the tool change button to change the tool
- probe for zero
- use the tool change button to change the tool again
- run file
I think i found my error. Tell me if this would mess things up.
- touch probe with 1/4 bit
- change to 1/8 bit
- run application which asks for 1/8 bit then goes to bitsetter
Yes, only change tools when prompted, or by using the Tool change button.
I have the same trouble with my machine only remembering the last Z height zero so when I zero it out then hit run wait until it goes to start cutting then pause it, send it into the corner and then Re:ZERO it again and it’ll cut like it should. I’ve gotten into the habit now even if it’s bang on I still reset zero twice. And does anybody know of a water cooled spindle that will fit into the Z plus without changing the mount And that’s affordable
Ive cut 8 cutting boards since your fix and everything has worked out perfect.
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