Z axis zero issue?

Sorry if this is a repeat, but I don’t exactly know what to search for. I’m having a Z zero issue I believe. I ran 2 jobs today and had no issues. I’m using the baddog tools touch probe. I ran the probe x y z and then loaded the cut file. Changed my engraver bit and used bitsetter. When I started the cut job, it was engraving air. By like almost an inch. I stopped and turned the machine off twice. Let it do its auto homing and re-Z’d everything again… Same thing happened. Only way it worked was to manually zero with jog. And now it’s currently cutting fine… Any ideas? Thanks -Roger

Engraving air by an inch is … 99% of the time someone setting the “zero at bottom” in carbide create,but then zeroing at the top of the material.
Worth checking that setting (it’s in the sprocket menu)

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Nope set for top and lower left. :man_shrugging::man_shrugging:

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