Z Zero depth will not change

Are the letters the same size?

Same font and same size everything

I guess the way to think about it might be for two different thickness lines, and a bit that creates a wider line the deeper it goes, how can the channels possibly be the same depth?

I guess I’ll just be used to the fact that every third project will be different, I’ll eventually figure it out on my own because it drives me crazy when I can’t figure it out… I will lose sleep over it!

Poor fellow!

I think this sort of chain of events might have something to do with it:

  1. The font you are using is cursive and has lots of different thickness lines. So the individual characters in a person’s name will determine the thickest groove.

  2. Worse still, since the people’s names are different lengths, and the area you have for the names is fixed in size, you are shrinking the character size for longer names, and expanding the characters for the shorter names.

  3. When you shrink the characters, the “groove” for each character becomes smaller. When you expand the characters, the groove for each character becomes bigger.

  4. You are using a 90-degree vbit, which is sort of “blunt”. The thinner the groove, the less depth it is allowed to go before it makes the groove too wide.

If this reasoning is correct:

  1. You will get deeper cuts with a “pointier” VBit (60 or 30)
  2. You will get deeper cuts with a less cursive font
  3. You won’t lose any sleep if you have a few beers first :slight_smile:

Thank you sir,

The names are not the issue, its the regular print and the ban around the logo etc. That stuff does not change in any way shape or form! The cursive writing is absolutely understandable and I get it. There is no logical reason based on the explanation for the cursive writing that it should be happening at all to things that do not change. The depth measurements that I posted from my previous post were from the regular writing around the logo and did not change at all… I don’t quite know what to think at this point.

The beer is always flowing lately!

Ah… my fault for not following that.

From my own tinkering, finding the zero manually on a vbit is really tricky because it is so pointy… and the effects of a minutely different zero can be quite noticeable.

That said, I’ve run out of ideas here. Sorry I couldn’t get to the bottom of your issues! Good luck!

Thanks for trying to figure it out! Good talking to you, I’m sure I’ll have more questions as I go along…

I see we talk about machine parameters a bunch but not material.

You do mention material is same but do you measure each piece? I buy say 1in pine at the store which claims it will be .75. I’ve measured some at .72 up to .78.

If you first piece was .75 and the second used is .73 it would mean your cuts were shallower by .02 if you just rerun the next project. Could this be the issue or do you set z zero everytime you rerun a project?

Sometimes when I do multiple projects I just put the next board down and hit start again and I don’t do the zero which is why I am asking this question.

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Yes I do measure each piece so I’m 100% sure I’m getting the same result. I know it’s redundant but I also set Z Zero at the beginning as well as every bit change. I’ve tried everything I know how to do to resolve the issue but to no avail.

As a side note, I ran project A that I described earlier, which should have been the correct depths etc. It didn’t happen! The Z Zero was still off…

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