Hello everyone, I have run into this concern previously with breaking a bit until today. When I start a new job from fresh, I zero on xyz via bit setter and run my job on shapeoko xl . No issues. When I change to a new job different bit to start, I zero xyz via bit setter, go to run job and realize that the cnc has retained the previous z height, thus broken bit today. The z is much lower than the 2nd job based on bit set height. What am I missing here? When I zero xyz at any time should it not save those values? Any help or guidance is appreciated. Thanks
To be clear BitZero sets zeros. Bitsetter only compares current bit to last time zero for z was set. BitSetter does not set zero it only keeps the zero set.
If you use BitZero to set zeros or manually set zero is the only way to set zero. BitSetter will maintain that z zero if and only if you are prompted by cm to replace a bit or you use the software interface to place a new bit. If you move the router to the front and change the bit without being prompted you have lost z zero last set.
Thanks for reply, I am setting xyz zero points in software based on wood piece, start job, and z point changes (not my new zero point)
Please try setting the Z-axis zero, then using the Rapid Position command current Z +6mm — is the endmill 6mm above where it ought to be?
Will try that tomorrow, tonight we have power outage. Report back tomorrow. Thanks
Hi again, after a clean start I zeroed again and z + 6 was correct…which is normal. The problem happens when running one carve then starting a new carve with new zero points…
After the first carve, if you re-test the Z-axis positioning does it still match?
If it doesn’t match, what aspect is off? Has the endmill pulled out of the collet? Or was the entire Z-axis pulled down?
After first carve, z axis still matches. I change to first tool for next carve job, set zero, no loose bits, run program and program runs with previous z zero point. If I turn off cutter, and restart, zero works fine. If there are specific instructions I should follow after a carve is done, then start next carve, I would appreciate the help or guidance. I think and feel I am doing right steps, but…Thanks
When you change the tool are you using the interface for “Load New Tool” in Carbide Motion?
I am changing the tool (for next carve) before the message comes up…does, would that matter?
Yes, you need to use the interface to change the tool, and should only change when prompted, or you request that the tool be changed.
Ok, much appreciated…will do this and confirm thanks
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