First Custom Deliverable - Local gym wanted a sign for in their new sauna

19 in diameter, white oak base (1 inch board) with black walnut, maple and bloodwood inlays. Inlay the logo (bloodwood sun, black walnut wave and triangle, maple ‘hills’), letters (black walnut letters, bloodwood horizontal bar) and perimeter framing ring (black walnut) all at .5 in deep. Pocket/vCarve the areas to be removed at .25 in deep. The contrasting natural wood colors and intersections between the base and inlay plugs really pop. Very happy with the outcome. Used inkscape to turn a picture of the gym logo into an .svg file to start the process. Shapeoko CNC is an awesome tool to have in the workshop.


Looks great. I am sure they will be happy.

Wow. BadA$$

20 characters.

This looks great. Awesome work.

@dalmeter Looks really nice!

PS. Its a convention on most forums that the title area in a post is short and to the point. The description of your post can be as long as you want. Your post has everything you posted about your project in the title box.


Thank you, newbie learning the convention and editor.

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Looks fabulous, well done.

Is it in a sauna? What’s the plan for it surviving?

Very good question. I used the most durable hardwood I have access to, glued .25 in white oak backing on the sigh with wood grain running 90 degrees to the grain where the base pockets were cut - this should help minimize warping and provide overall strength - finished with danish oil. I’m told that sea going vessels were made out of white oak because of its durability before steel came along. Sign will be mounted above the heating element and will be subject to massive temp and humidity changes. I’m interested to see how it holds up. I’ll be keeping an eye on it and will post then current condition from time to time.

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Sea vessels survived because of on-going maintenance — tell the folks to wipe it down w/ a suitable oil finishing/cleaning product on a regular basis.

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Very nice. Outstanding job!

I couldn’t agree more.
I like Scott’s brand Liquid Gold, but always test to make sure it’s compatible with your finish.


Very Nice work. I really like the look of that. Nice carve!

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