Makita Speeds Chart

I made this little plaque up and it’s attached right on my enclosure to remind me what the magic dial actually corresponds to.


Makita Speeds

I did most of the lettering and lines with a 60 degree vbit. Should be able to do a right-click Save-As on the image to get the SVG.


Nice! For folks who want more numbers, please see:

Please note that getting the SVG is dependent on browser — IE and some other older browsers may show a PNG preview.

I really wish that one had the option of setting an RPM in Carbide Create/MeshCAM, and having it on-screen as a note when one changes the tool in Carbide Motion.

Interesting. I did the same on a piece of paper taped to the side of my machine (my own calibrated numbers are here), but now I just grab my tachometer, and adjust the dial accordingly because more often than not, the target RPM is in between these values and I’m lazy and don’t want to mentally do linear interpolation :slight_smile:

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