Open Log did not open on browser CM4

Please help me. I deleted IE browser on my PC — when I am in CM4 I click setting, then Open Log
Open Log did not open. I reinstall IE browser, try to Open Log same thing. Please help I need to use Open log to see my setting before cutting actual job. Thanks in advance

You. may need to re-install CM4. it’s possible deleting and re-installing IE could have affected CM4.

-please note that I don’t use CM4 so this is speculation from experience with other programs.

Thank You I may try this

Yes . I UN-install CM4 from "add & remove program’ restore my PC to get IE back. Open lock said Log/log.html inaccessible — what else can i do to get Open Log to work

Internet Explorer is a Windows component — try repairing your Windows installation to restore it’s functionality? Go back to a System Restore Point? Reinstall Windows?

Thank You - I am going to try to re-install window 7 - is there any hope for the PROBE - It is almost a year now since - pls do not forget about my emails I sent for the PROBE request. Have a great & safe weekend.

I repaired windows 7 operation system by turn on the PC and hit F8 — windows started the repair process. It completed. run CM4 ---- Open Log is not available —where is this file located ’ - got this error message

This site can’t be reached
The webpage at log://log.html might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
I have another PC with CM4 — If I can locate where is the open log file or folder, I can copy the open-log file from other computer which has no issue and bring that file over this problem PC and hope it will resolve the open log issues

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My understanding is that Carbide Motion 4 runs a back-end which serves up web pages which the front-end displays.

The third batch of the Probe should be released by the end of the month. Hopefully it will stay in stock thereafter.

After opening go and select the machine you use , later if you go to the log.

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