Relative typeface design sizes

I hope that the user who asked after this won’t mind.

Query on the support e-mails of “Why are two different fonts set to the same point size different sizes on-screen?” (more or less re-phrased).

Copied the text of my reply and put it on the wiki:

Variation in font size when two different fonts are assigned the same point size is caused by how fonts are designed / made.​​Typefaces are drawn up on what is known as an “Em square” which is an idealized area of a certain number of units (usually 1000 for PostScript fonts, a power of 2 such as 2048 for TrueType). How large or small the characters are draw within this Em will determine how large or small they are when the Em square is scaled to the requested point size.​​Certain typesetting systems will afford the option of scaling fonts when using them — LaTeX documentclasses and ConTeXt afford this ---- but it’s not a feature which we have in most CAD applications.​If setting text in a design program and then importing it, it may be necessary to convert it to paths using an appropriate command, e.g., Inkscape’s Path | Object to path.

If any such answer / response which was suitable for public response were so copied, the wiki would get better, and there would be fewer occasions of puzzlement (if people would then take the trouble to read through the wiki before posting their query — and of course manage to find it — terminology and nomenclature make that difficult, especially for a new user).

Ideally to my mind, there would be something like to the Shapeoko wiki for any topic — it’s what the World Wide Web was initially envisioned as being (but for particle physics) — and there’s my secret, I’m an idealist who wants everything to be perfect (and all things to be documented). As I’ve noted in previous discussions on this sort of thing, the problem is, most people aren’t librarians, and they are not inclined to formally structure and store their interactions / postings. The problem of course, is most people are trained / conditioned to use computers as nothing more than glorified memory typewriters.

We haven’t quite reached the point where a real artificial intelligence system is used to facilitate searches for such things (and I worry about how society will make use of such systems when they do come on line — Marshall Brain’s Manna seems the most optimistic tale, but I worry that humanity will stall at the half-way point of that story).