Which things are applicable to using a Shapeoko / Nomad?
We list a lot of things on the ostensibly community-maintained wiki: https://www.shapeoko.com/wiki but yeah, let’s be honest, it’s more one person’s (my) notebook / scratchpad than anything else. (If anyone wants an account, please let me know your e-mail address in a PM and we’ll make you one).
What software / tools are the best and what gaps are there? What unusual things fit in or are especially made to support the Carbide 3D eco-system? Notable things there:
- Generate rabbeted boxes for Carbide Create: http://chaunax.github.io/projects/twhl-box/twhl.html (from: Rabbeted box generator for Carbide Create )
- Generating square grids and curved surfaces: Cutter Pack Giveaway! — includes notes on the file format of .c2d files (JSON).
- unofficial converter from .c2d to .svg (doesn’t handle curves): https://www.facebook.com/groups/unofficialshapeoko/324663387941627/ (requires membership in the unofficial Shapeoko Facebook group)
(those are from: https://www.shapeoko.com/wiki/index.php/Carbide_Create#Resources )
One thing I’m still faintly surprised at is that there isn’t more work done with scripting — I’d really like to see a CNC front-end coded up in Nodebox or Processing — I believe bCNC has a macro language, and I’d be surprised if UGS doesn’t allow Java, or Chilipeppr doesn’t allow JavaScript.
I’ve done a couple of things with METAPOST which have shown some potential, esp. in addition to OpenSCAD (need to get another 3D printer so that I can actually make a box lid w/ inset 3D printed part to hold the lid together)
Things which I’d really like to see:
- a physics-based feed-speed calculator
- a parametric language for making parts which doesn’t require exporting to a .stl
- a design library of joinery systems / techniques which are easily applied to a given project