1/4 down to 1/8 collet adapter for Makita Router RT0700c

Hi everyone, i’m a little stuck on this having trouble sourcing anything in the UK but has anyone had any luck with this? Recently got hold of some decent two flute cutters to use on acrylic but they all have a 1/8 shaft. Anyone out there using this router on their Shapeoko? Cheers.

I purchased a 6mm to 1/8" adapter from here (Europe) but I can’t remember where exactly, must have been Amazon or eBay

It worked fine. Later I bought this 1/8" precision collet from Elaire for the Makita router, it’s better


I had to buy from Elaire in the US though, so it was a bit costly and took a while to arrive

Carbide3D sells a nice set of similar precision collets for the CCR (which is very similar to the Makita as I understand) that has a 1/8" collet in the set, but again shipping cost and delays.


Thanks for sharing Julien, i’ve see one or two on amazon/ebay with uncertain reviews on compatibility. May have to bite the bullet and go with the elaire version. I think i read somewhere that the Carbide 3D version is bespoke to their own router model…

They look strikingly similar and I thought the CCR was more or less a rebranded Makita, but you would have to check with support / @WillAdams . Anyway, it’s sold out (and has been for a while I think).

At the time I spent a fair amount of time browsing for 1/8" collets compatible with the Makita elsewhere, the Makita site says it does not exist, some Amazon entries are labelled like they are 1/8" collet, but visibly don’t fit a Makita RT0701C so it must be for some other model or they are lying.

I don’t regret buying the Elaire collets in the end.


The Carbide Compact Router is more-or-less a re-badged Makita. It (and a slew of other similar machines) use the same bearings, collets, and brushes as the Makita, and those parts are the same for both the RT0700/0701. See: https://wiki.shapeoko.com/index.php/Spindle_Overview#Differences_between_the_Makita_and_Carbide_Compact_Router

When the MLCS Rocky 30, the first clone became available the initial version of the instruction manual actually used a teal Makita in the photographs.

There are differences, and most notably, the CCR uses the same sort of more expensive electronic speed control as the Makita to maintain RPM under load.

As @Julien noted the Elaire collets fit (and so do the precision collets for the CCR from Carbide 3D and our vendors: https://shop.carbide3d.com/collections/accessories/products/precision-collets ) — I have both collet sets, and got one of the initial run of Elaire 1/8" collets for the Makita — they are well worth the expense and wait, see: https://wiki.shapeoko.com/index.php/RT0701


Hi @Ahilan
I recommend this site:

(I think it’s located in the Netherlands)
Very good reseller of Carbide 3d, often in stock, I’ve never had often, you can find collets and for your makita router and the endmills.
(Personally I ordered my shapeoko from them, no problem. and fast delivery).

coming soon :wink:


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