1/8" holes in wood aren't 1/8"

Hi guys, I’ve had my longmill for a total of 3 days so I am completely new to all of this. I make alot of wood and epoxy crib boards and finally invested in a cnc to help with the workload. I’ve been drilling 450+ holes by hand in each crib board, which gets extremely tedious and time consuming after a while. I bought a dxf file to create a template, which I’ve got set up on carbide create. It’s to scale on a 14x5.5 background. No problems there. When I run the cnc it’s drilling out 1/4" holes for some reason. I’ve tried researching what is happening to no avail. When I select a single hole and check, the diameter is correct at .1282 (slightly larger then 1/8" but close enough for my purposes). Attached is a picture of the first few holes i drilled in a scrap piece and also what I’ve got set up on CC. Thank you in advance to anyone that can help put me in the right direction I really look forward to learning more.

P.s. I am quite illiterate when it comes to computers/technology so forgive my ignorance.

You’re using an 1/8” Drill Bit right?

If the machine is mechanically sound this is best address via toolpathing.

Drilling is difficult with endmills — they are better at cutting to the side than at plunging.

Best thing is using a smaller endmill and leaving a roughing clearance greater than the size discrepancy, then taking a finishing pass to get to the actual size.

Yes im using a 1/8 end mill, once I get the tool path sorted out I will switch it out for a new 1/8 drill bit.

I plan on switching the end mill out for a 1/8" drill bit. If I were to use a smaller end mill would it not still drill out 1/4" holes?

Did you check that those circles are actually 0.1282" after the DXF import ?
(i.e. if you manually create a circle 0.1282" in diameter, does it look the same size)

Can you upload the g-code file (.nc) for a quick check ? (I’m not asking you to upload the c2d file since it has the imported dxf and that’s something you bought)

If you have geometry which is a particular size, it will be machined at that size, modulo errors, unless one uses a Drill toolpath, in which case it will be made at the size of the tool used.

Please note that most drill bits are not rated for being used at the speeds which trim routers spin — make sure that any tooling used is safe to be used as you intend in the machine.

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The holes seem to be the correct diameter after manually creating a .1282" hole. I will upload the g code file as soon as I get back to wifi. Thank you!

This took me a lot of trial and error. I have also designed some cribbage boards. In Carbide create I needed to make the holes larger in order to make then actually mill. I had to go with 0.1328 to actually make it work.

You can look at my submission in this months contest for the c2d files I use to make my oval board.

I had done a lot of back and forth in Inkscape to get these right since there is no way to mass modify the shapes in Carbide Create. I exported the SVG file imported it into Inkscape and then used it to mass resize. Saved the Inkscape file and then re-imported the SVG back into Carbide Create.


Any chance you might be using contour toolpaths on those imported circles ?
If you do, the 1/8" tool tip would follow the circle outline rather than cut inside it, and you would end up with 1/4" holes (a 1/8" tool going in a circle that is 1/8" in radius)


Okay I definitely used contour (no offset) as my tool path which would make complete sense why I’m getting 1/4" holes. Anytime I use “pocket” or “vcarve” nothing shows up in simulation.

That is because your circle needs to be slightly larger in order to work. If the tool is exactly the same size as the hole then it wont pocket it. This is why I had to with the larger size I mentioned.

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Ahhhh now I understand the .1328" diameter you mentioned. I will have to learn how to change the diameter in inkscape and retry. Thank you very much for all of your help guys!

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Select all the circles and make sure they are individual items and not a group. Then Click Object → Transform.

Choose Scale and then make sure you check the box to apply to each object separately. Choose inches in the drop down for the measurement and then enter the width and height. Then click apply it should do what you need.
Save as a plain SVG and not an Inkscape SVG and import that back into Carbide Create.

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FYI: the newest version of Carbide Create has a drill cycle. You don’t need to make holes larger anymore.


I skimmed the post. Be sure you use radius not diamete in toolpaths. Radius is half of diameter. In cc you use radius. Your program may compemsate for diameter.

Just curious, what’s the difference between saving in plain svg vs Inkscape svg?

I am not sure what Inkscape SVG does differently but it does not import into Carbide Create consistently. I guess I could look at the code since SVG’s are just text but I just never have. I just know they have failed for me in the past and had seen the same advice in another post previously.

Is the new drill cycle in the beta? I don’t see anything for that in 520 which is the most recent on the main page and what I am using.

If you have an Inkscape file which doesn’t import properly, please send it in to support@carbide3d.com.

Correct, the Drill toolpath is in the new beta, see:
