Everything is working great until…
Top side rough job…OK
Top side fine job… OK
Top Dowel Holes job… OK
Issue: When I take the part out and try to run the dowel rod holes into the spoil board. I changed my zero to the TABLE instead of the left side MATERIAL, and have the depth going to 14 mm down into the spoil board.
The SIMULATION looks good.
Save to Carbide Motion and load the file… good
The PREVIEW in Carbide Motion looks good.
The Problem:
I get an alert saying my Z will extend past the limit if I continue. If I do it… it slips the gears and continues by trying to drill the dowel holes about an inche or two above the table.
Thanks William. I forgot to say… I’m using VCarve PRO for the design. My question is because it simulates perfectly in VCarve… AND Carbide Motion. It just doesn’t translate at the machine. Maybe it’s a question for the VCarve people but like I said… It’s simulates perfectly. Thanks!
For 3rd party software our recommendation is to set up an equivalent file in Carbide Create — if CC has the same problem we can help with that and you can apply the fix to the 3rd party software.
Position the tool directly over an existing hole or t-slot. Jog the Z down until the tool is 14mm into the table. If it stops before it gets there, extend the tool and/or loosen the router/spindle & move it down so you can get to the depth you need.
It’s real strange because it does simulate properly, both in VCarve and in Carbide Motion’s Preview area. I have the B side Zero set at the machine bed.
Problem fixed:
I use a longer 1/8th" ball nose, and when the TOOL measured… it raised everything out of the Z range. Easy fix, went back to the shorter tool and remeasured. Learning new stuff everyday. Thanks everyone.