2025 Community Challenge?

Is there going to be a community challenge for 2025?


Good question!

There is one over on Facebook (but I’m at my day job, so no deep link)

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Is there anyway for us non-facebook users to view / participate?


Agree with Ed.E.

Not everyone has FB, Snap chat or the “Gram”.


Sounds like, “I don’t go to McDonalds, but I want a Big Mac.” :smile:

That contest is for the Facebook group. The rules are to post your entry there.
There will probably be a contest here at some time. Or go sign up for Facebook.

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:rofl: @Tod1d.

Now hold on, food is “needed” for basic survival! I would guess some say the same for the subject as well.

I’m not against those platforms, I chose to stay off them personally. I have enough to keep up with in App’s as it is now.

When I joined this forum it seemed the Community Challenge was based in this forum. It seems over time that the FB platform was used as well which is completely fine. I believe jadlp3742 was specifically asking about a C3D forum based challenge.

So I have the same question as jadlp3742.

I also appreciate the @WillAdams & @Tod1d offered a challenge resource to those that use that platform based on C3D.

The community, customer service and machines of C3D is the reason I made the investment in C3D to begin with.


No worries. Each platform is run in it’s own way.

I’m sure we’ll see some contests here as well.
I’ve been planning on running one myself. I just need to get off my butt and make the prizes :slight_smile:

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What relation is there between food and a Big Mac?


@CullenS, just the analogy.

I prefer a community challenge contest sanctioned/promoted on this C3D customer forum site like the previous years contests. That was the intent of my original post. I am requesting whom ever initiated those previous ones, to initiate a contest for 2025 on this site in the Contests category. This is purpose of having a category called contests. There have been previous year contests every year going back to 2019. They all seemed to have very good participation.