2x4 Contest Scrollsaw and CNC Project

On October 5th my woodworking club will have its annual 2x4 contest. This year I will be making a scrollsaw and cnc project. In this month’s issue of a scrollsaw magazine I get was this pattern. I cut the 4 layer project out. The 3 back layers were cut with the scrollsaw and the front one with the wolf was cut on my Shapeoko 3 XXL with HDZ. I was going to cut the whole project on the scrollsaw but decided to cut the front panel on the Shapeoko. There were about 60 holes I would have to disconnect the scrollsaw blade, put it through and cut small cutouts and do that over and over. I used a #0 blade which is the smallest for a scrollsaw but decided that the work for the wolf would be too tedious and time consuming. So I used CC to create wolf with a #112 1/16" flat end mill and it only took about an hour.

Here are the other panels partially painted.

I will be making a frame for it to sit in with some spacers between the panels to give it more depth. I did not get the wolf painted because I did not have any brown paint. I used acrylic paint and for the trees I mixed a green and black to get a darker green. The moon was painted with pearl gold paint. I think after drying everything may get another coat of paint and maybe I will use my airbrush to give some highlights.

My project last year was a 2 sided flag cut on my Shapeoko

The year before I modeled a P51 Mustang in CC Pro and cut it out and made a stand. I cut it out and put it together and flew it around the shop.

For the last couple of years I have made the plaque we give to the winner. I have updated for 2024 but have not had time to cut it yet.

I had made this one before I made the P51 to use at a craft show to bring kids in to send letters to Santa. However they canceled our appearance at the show.

I donated the Letters to Santa mailbox to our local Christmas festival and it was a hit.

My first attempt at the Howling Wolf I planned the 2x4 and cut the rounded edges off. I glued 3 pieces together to be about 9" wide by 12" tall (project was 7" x 10"). Then after drying I resawed it in half and then again in half leaving about 3/8" panels. I planned them but the immediately began to warp. So I did the same about cutting 3 pieces of 2x4 but this time I just cut off about .5" slices and glued it together let it dry and planned it to about .2". this time no warping. I used the original 2,3 and 4 panels but the wolf panel was too warped so I made a new one. I used painters tape and super glue to hold the wolf down when I cut it on the Shapeoko. However during removal a corner broke. I just glued it together with super glue. Modern pine is not the strongest wood in the world. Modern pine is genetically engineered to grow fast. Think about that while you lay in bed tonight and look up at your ceiling that might fall in on you. :rofl:


Aww, pishaw. We all know there’s a worldwide miniature pilot strike going on now.

Always enjoy your recaps, Guy!

Minor update:

The frame was cut out and just held together with a clamp. I got that painted today a forest green.

I will finish it next week. I have to go to Houston for a memorial service. My old neighbors across the street in Kingwood the wife passed away at 44 years old. She leaves behind her husband and her son. These things happen but you expect to get old and leave this earth before your children.

Watch this video because it is very important that you tell the ones you love that everyday because you never know when it will be their last or yours.

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Thanks, Guy … 'til I can’t.

Finished my 2x4 contest entry.

This is 4 layers. 3 back layers were cut on my Hegner Scrollsaw. The front layer with the wolf was cut on my Shapeoko 3XXL with HDZ. The panels were painted with acrylic paint and the frame was spray painted with green paint. I screwed the base to the upper base with 2.5" screws.

Fun project. Now I need to cut the 2x4 contest winner plaque for October 5, 2024 meeting.


Sounds like a fun contest. What are the rules? Do you get one 2x4? Do you have to go buy it and sort through 500 sticks at the big box store to find the one specimen that’s straight and knot-free?

You have to use a 8’ 2x4 pine or fir. You can use a few parts like metal hinges but the vast majority has to be made from a single 2x4. Rockler has an annual 2x4 coming up where you can win tools. You would have to look at rocker.com to see when that come.

I have been in this woodworking club for about 3 years. Woodworking tends to be a lonely hobby so being in the club finds people like minded and you see what other people are doing. I am also a member of AAW for woodturning and get a monthly magazine that is very nice. I also do scrollsawing and that relates to a CNC. This wolf project was in my scrollsaw magazine and is easy to relate to your cnc.


I got the annual 2x4 contest plaque machined and partially painted today. will sand off the over paint and hit the center text with rub and buff gold. Put keyholes in the back to hold it on the wall.

Started with a coat of dewaxed shellac and painted with acrylic paint.

Tip for cleaning acrylic brush is using Dawn Power Wash. I keep a bottle of the power wash on the kitchen counter. I wash out the brush with water and spray with the power wash. Then I wash out the brush again and apply the power wash a second time. I use a paper towel to dry the brush and can immediately apply a second color. Works well.


Finished. Put several coats of laquer because it drys fast. Had to go get another can at lunch to finish. I dont like laquer but it is fast.

After laquer I used a white 3m finishing pad to knock off any dibs. The back has keyholes to hang on the wall. 2x4 contest is tomorrow.

After tomorrow I have two projects to get going on. One has been languishing and the other one has not been started.


I took second place. The project was a lot of fun. The first place winner was a sailfish sculpture.

Dr. Larich was the winner. He regularly sculpts wood. He did a fantastic job carving the sailfish.

Here are a couple more entries. We had 9 total entries.

This is a nativity scene puzzle, a candle holder and a shadowbox.

Here is a book holder, some Christmas Stars, a wood sculpture and my Howling Wolf.

I seem to only have 8 of the 9 entries. Amazing what you can do with a 2x4.


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