Started up Fusion just now and got a “30% off subscription” offer popup.
$347/1 year
$987/3 years
I’m on the free one now, not sure what the $27.41/month for 3 years would do for me.
Started up Fusion just now and got a “30% off subscription” offer popup.
$347/1 year
$987/3 years
I’m on the free one now, not sure what the $27.41/month for 3 years would do for me.
mostly: high feedrate for rapids (easy to workaround), tool changes (semi-easy to wrokaround), more than 10 active documents (may or may not be useful to you), generative design (supports the exploration of the design space/options for something that will need to be produced), more import/export options.
I was wondering about the difference between a paid and free version. Good summary.
@Julien how do you get around the rapids issue? Via f360 or hacking the gcode?
I let @fenrus nifty tool do the gcode hacking for me.
I will look at this “nifty tool”. You also prompted me to google to see if there was an F360 plugin - I came across this: GitHub - TimPaterson/Fusion360-Batch-Post: Fusion 360 add-in to post all CAM setups at once, optionally dividing them into folders.. Does anyone have experience with this plugin?
I am going to try this one next actually. I tried @fenrus’s tool and meant to give him feedback that I actually found that it would reduce circles into lines when I used it. As in, when I was trying to bore holes, his tool would give me rapids but also turn circular boring motions into back and forth lines. It was an odd problem that I repeated a few times.
if you have some sample gcode I can debug it …
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